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About Us

The mission of The Equestrian is to provide and online marketplace for the best brands and sellers of horse tack and equestrian products available in the USA.

Developed and operated but 3 passionate equestrians with experience in equestrian retail and wholesale, we strive to bring you the ultimate online experience with 1000s of brands and products available in the USA, but from all over the world.

We've partnered with some of the most respected names in the business, ensuting your experience it exceptional

Chris Durkan

Chris is an enthusiastic horse rider and enthusiast and lives with his wife and 2 kids , just outside of Brisbane in QLD.

He is a self confessed horse obsessed father, and says he makes too many horse and equestrian gear purchases for his wife and kids, which he says, makes him "qualified" to have an opinion on many of the products he buys.

While he jokes he's a poor horse dad, he spends his time between his family, his small horse property, working at a local IT firm, and writing for The Equestrian.

Denise Johnston


Jono Farrington


The Equestrian Journo


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